Preparatory work for the English course HK B/L 2021–2022
Books to buy
- The Big Picture, Vocabulaire de l’actualité en anglais, Jean Max Thomson, Ellipses
- Journal’ease vocabulaire, Judith Andreyev, Bréal
- A Cultural Guide, Précis culturel des pays du monde anglophone, Françoise Grellet, Nathan
- Grammaire raisonnée, anglais, niveau avancé B2 à C1, Sylvie Persec, Ophrys
Recommanded reading
Read the press
Keep up with english
- Listen to podcasts on the BBC (the British radio that broadcasts worldwide) and on NPR (the American Public Radio)
- Watch series and films in English dubbed in English
- Speak to British and American people around you, if you can…